While we at the All Hallows Garage usually go for creepy over terrifying, it's safe to say there's some scary stuff in the real world. From the many ways we need to protect ourselves from nature, like you might see in any pandemic flick or creature feature, to the terrible ways people can treat one another, there can be real things to fear.
Terrible Truth
In case you've never read it, the Bible doesn't hide this fact. If you start at the beginning in Genesis, just three chapters in things begin to go horribly wrong. Oh, it all starts off great. Perfect, even. But deception, blame and death show up pretty quick. Even the planet changes, making survival that much harder.
And then there's the supernatural. Spiritual forces are at play. A serpent speaks tempting words. A witch gets surprised when a real spirit shows up. The dead rise from graves. Angels, demons and miracles make for riveting reading.
Now clearly we love a good story. But is that all this is? Just good story telling? Actually, when you look closely at these 66 "books" of different styles written over hundreds of years, a thread forms. Turns out they're all telling the same Big Story, and it's all pointing to the one who can end all the dark and scary things.
Problem & Promise
A promise is made as early as Genesis 3:15 that someone will make right what had just started to go wrong once people chose to do their own thing and believe lies instead of believing God. Over time, and through some sticky situations, that promise gets made again and again: Someone is coming to fix this.
We now know that someone was the Creator Himself. He cared so much about the destruction and chaos happening in the world, He came and experienced the mess we'd made with us. He said someone had to pay for the damages, so He allowed Himself to be damaged.
The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) describe the most terrifying act of all time. There we see the death of the Creator when the God-Man, whose name is Jesus, dies on a Roman cross. Mocked, abandoned and buried... Darkness has its moment.
The Finale of Fear
But just when it looks like evil wins, Jesus gets up after 3 days and walks out of the tomb! This is no zombie story, but a new kind of resurrection. Jesus can never die again! And He says if we know Him, we can be resurrected like Him and live forever too. His new life can give us life. It can change our relationships with people and with God. It will change the world. And all the things we're afraid of now, even death itself, will be gone for good when He makes things perfect again.
So, what's the scariest thing you can think of? A big fear for lots of people is being left all alone. If we simply go on ignoring God to do our own thing, He'll leave us alone for all time just as we wish. Yet if we know Jesus and listen to Him, we never have to be alone or afraid. Jesus was abandoned on that cross so we don't have to be, and He'll never abandon His people. When the one who died to defeat death says, "Don't be afraid," we can be sure He's serious about eliminating all our worst enemies and deepest fears.
Meet the Death-Defeater!
Interested in all these Bible stories we're referencing? You can read them online anytime! Try the English Standard Version or visit Bible Gateway, where you can find the Bible in multiple languages. Anyone can also get a printed copy for free just by filling out this form. (All ages welcome. Kids under 18 must have parent/guardian permission.)
If you're curious to know more about this death-defeater called Jesus,
you can also find free resources and stories over at our parent site, miniministry.com, and check out the videos below.
We hope our little mash ups help you better understand the Big Story of Jesus, and take the bite out of your fears in late October, or anytime. Happy Halloween!
The Big Story in Video
Enthralling for all ages, below you can view a few video adaptations from "The Jesus Storybook Bible" (also one of our giveaways), which paints a poetic portrait of The Big Story of Jesus, showing how in Scripture "Every Story Whispers His Name."
We also recommend The Bible Project for lots more helpful videos to explore.
The Beginning: A Perfect Home
The Terrible Lie
He's Here!
A Dark Night In the Garden
The Sun Stops Shining
God's Wonderful Surprise
A Dream of Heaven